Natural Resources Case Studies and Best Practices Memorandum
The purpose of this memorandum (memo) is to help inform the selection of conservation goals and policies for inclusion in the Natural Resources Plan, which will be part of the […]
TMRPA Regional Sustainability Study
This study contains a summary of the existing and ongoing sustainability planning efforts throughout the region, description of the science and best practices related to climate change, and sustainability and […]
Criteria Air Pollutant Emissions Inventories – 2011 Emissions Inventory Executive Summary
This inventory documents criteria air pollutant (CAP) emissions of PM10, particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5), CO, volatile organic compounds (VOC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulfur oxides […]
Criteria Air Pollutant Emissions Inventories – 2011 Emissions Inventory
This inventory documents criteria air pollutant (CAP) emissions of PM10, particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5), CO, volatile organic compounds (VOC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulfur oxides […]
Criteria Air Pollutant Emissions Inventories – 2008 Emissions Inventory
This inventory documents criteria air pollutant (CAP) emissions of PM10, particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5), CO, volatile organic compounds (VOC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulfur oxides […]
Air Quality Trends Report (2011-2020)
Air quality trend reports have two primary components: annual summary of air quality for the year of the report and 10-year trend.
Air Quality Trends Report (2010-2019)
Air quality trend reports have two primary components: annual summary of air quality for the year of the report and 10-year trend.
Air Quality Trends Report (2009-2018)
Air quality trend reports have two primary components: annual summary of air quality for the year of the report and 10-year trend.
2015-2016 Residential Wood Use Survey
Fireplaces, woodstoves, and pellet stoves are significant sources of wintertime air pollution in Washoe County. Periodic surveys are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of AQMD strategies targeting these sources.
2012-2013 Residential Wood Use Survey
Fireplaces, woodstoves, and pellet stoves are significant sources of wintertime air pollution in Washoe County. Periodic surveys are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of AQMD strategies targeting these sources.