Air Data

Real-time air data ranging from 1-hour averages to 3-year averages. WCHD provides the air quality data on the EPA’s website.

Station Viewer

Climate data viewer for the western United States. Data includes cooling degree days, growing degree days, heating degree days, precipitation, snowfall, and temperature (max, mean, min).

Oxygenated Fuels Reports 2013-2014

The AQMD implements an oxygenated fuels program to reduce wintertime carbon monoxide emissions from motor vehicles. The following annual reports summarize the results of the program.

Exceptional Air Quality Events

Reports are prepared whenever the AQMD formally requests the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to exclude data from exceptional events like wildfires from data that is used to determine mitigation strategies […]

Oil Well Locations

This data is a spatial representation of drillhole/well data and production data within the Nevada Division of Minerals Oil and Gas Database.