In December 2007, the Regional Planning Governing Board (RPGB) approved a Regional Plan amendment which requires the master plans, facilities plans, and similar planning documents of local governments and affected entities to utilize the Consensus Forecast for determining future regional population. The adopted RPGB Regulations on Procedure, as referenced in the Regional Plan, require TMRPA to prepare the Consensus Forecast every even numbered year. The forecast uses the most recent published data from the State Demographer, Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA), and other applicable outside sources (e.g. Woods and Poole). The Consensus Forecast includes both county-wide population data, and data disaggregated to the three local government jurisdictions. Section XII of the RPGB Regulations on Procedure outlines the Consensus Forecast preparation and adoption process, which beginning in 2010 includes a process for comparing the draft Consensus Forecast population with the estimated population that can be supported by the sustainable water resources identified in the Regional Water Management Plan. The Regional Planning Commission (RPC) is responsible for adopting the final Consensus Forecast.