Geographic Distribution of Plant Species – GIS Base Layers – Major Phytogeographic Regions of Nevada
NDNH GIS Data pertaining to miscellaneous base layers
Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) Estimated Percent Cover
NDNH GIS Data pertaining to vegetation and landscape ecology
Annual Grass Index of Owyhee Uplands
NDNH GIS Data pertaining to vegetation and landscape ecology
Annual Grass Index of Nevada
NDNH GIS Data pertaining to vegetation and landscape ecology
Plant and Animal Watch List
The Plant and Animal Watch List outlines taxa that could be declining in Nevada or across much of their range, taxa that were recently removed from the At-Risk Plant and […]
At-Risk Plant and Animal Tracking List
The At-Risk Plant and Animal Tracking List directs NDNHs data acquisition priorities and provides current information on the status of these taxa. Taxa considered at-risk and actively inventoried by NDNH […]
Explore Plant and Animal Species Tool / Database
Searchable database for information regarding plant and animal species in Nevada
Conservation Library – Botany Documents
Library of technical references, popular references, and publications released by NDNH.
Sample of At-Risk Species Occurrence Records
NDNH GIS Data pertaining to At-risk Species Occurrence Records
Noxious Weeds Data
NDNH GIS Data pertaining to noxious weed species