2012 Truckee Meadows Urban Tree Canopy Assessment
The 2012 Truckee Meadows Urban Canopy Assessment (PDF) is available for direct download and can be accessed through the Open Data Hub. This asset is stored on ArcGIS Online.
Natural Resources & Fire Information Portal, Wildfire Risk and Threat Data – Public Viewer
Wildfire risk and threat data layers were developed as part of the West Wide Wildfire Assessment covering the seventeen Western States. Assessment data for Nevada State was clipped from this […]
Natural Resources & Fire Information Portal, Wildfire Risk and Threat Data – Professional Viewer
Wildfire risk and threat data layers were developed as part of the West Wide Wildfire Assessment covering the seventeen Western States. Assessment data for Nevada State was clipped from this […]
Wildfire Statistics Dashboard (NDFWSD)
Dashboard including current and historical wildfire data. Categories include total number of fires, total acres burned, and large incidents.
Wildfire History
The Wildfire History data set describes perimeters for fires captured from 1910 to 2021 using both manual and modern data collection methods.
Truckee Meadows Urban Tree Canopy
This data set was developed as part of the Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) Assessment for Truckee Meadows (Reno-Sparks, Nevada), 2012. Data was derived from 2010 4-band leaf-on National Agricultural Imagery […]
State Parks and Recreation Areas
The State Parks and Recreation Areas layer provides the boundaries for state park and recreation areas in Nevada. These data only represent the park boundaries with limited descriptive information.
Regional Boundaries of Nevada Division of Forestry’s operational areas (three areas): Northern, Southern and Western Nevada
The Region Boundaries layer provides the boundaries the Nevada Division of Forestry’s three operational areas in the Northern, Southern, and Western parts of Nevada.
Healthy Forest Restoration Areas
The Healthy Forest Restoration Areas layer provides Section 602 designated areas. These data were developed and approved by the U.S. Forest Service in 2014 and have not been updated since.
Forest Legacy Areas
The Forest Legacy Areas layer provides the boundaries for the major forest conservation areas in Nevada. The Forest Legacy Program (FLP) is a conservation program administered by the U.S. Forest […]