Town of Truckee Annual Report for the Implementation of the Truckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan, Water Year 2010
The TRWQMP was developed by the Town and Placer County to provide both entities with a comprehensive water quality monitoring plan consisting of a fifteen year program that is intended […]
Truckee Meadows Water Authority Water Quality Report
The report completed by TMWA lists all of the primary regulated drinking water contaminants that we detected during the calendar 2012 year on finished water that has been treated.
Truckee River Biomass Monitoring Program…July 2001 to Aug 2002
The Truckee River Biomass Monitoring (TRBM) program collected data regarding algal biomass in the lower Truckee River [expressed as plant pigments (chlorophyll a), carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous] that can be […]
Truckee River miles
This document lists the TMWRF River collection sites and river miles from Mogul to Nixon.
Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) – Draft
This Draft TROA represents agreement among its negotiators that it is a draft and it constitutes the preferred alternative for operating Truckee River Reservoirs in a manner which will carry […]
Truckee River Sedimentation Study (1993)
The U.S. Army Engineer Sacramento District (CESPK) is formulating a local flood protection project along the Truckee River at Reno, Nevada. The District is completing a Sediment Engineering Investigation (SEI) […]
Truckee River Water Chemistry Synoptic Study
As part of the Truckee River watershed Coordinated Monitoring Program (CMP), intensive monitoring of Truckee River water quality was conducted in November 1998 with participation from many of the resource […]
Truckee River Water Quality Current Conditions and Trends Relevant to TMDLs and WLAs
This report is an analysis of historical monitoring data for both the Truckee River and TMWRF effluent in order to help determine what adjustments, if any, can be made in […]
Truckee River Watershed Council Quality Assurance Project Plan
This project will provide information about watershed condition and response to land use changes by monitoring various physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Different areas of the watershed are expected to […]
Load Duration Curve Methodology for Assessment and TMDL Development Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
This paper discusses the steps taken to develop load duration curves and how they can be used in the assessment and TMDL process.