Middle Truckee River sub-basin Watersheds
Map defining middle Truckee River sub-basins and monitoring plan areas.
TMWRF Water Quality Analytical Procedures
This document summarizes the analytical methods used by TMWRF over the past 20 years.
Steamboat Creek Watershed
This map was created in support of the Washoe-Storey Conservation District Steamboat Creek Restoration Plan and the continued efforts toward project implementation.
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and Waste Load Allocations (WLAs) Final Report, February 1994
This document first describes the methodology used for determining a TMDL for both conservative and nonconservative parameters. Then water quality attainment programs other than waste load allocations in the Truckee […]
Town of Truckee Annual Report for the Implementation of the Truckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan, Water Year 2010
The TRWQMP was developed by the Town and Placer County to provide both entities with a comprehensive water quality monitoring plan consisting of a fifteen year program that is intended […]
Truckee Meadows Water Authority Water Quality Report
The report completed by TMWA lists all of the primary regulated drinking water contaminants that we detected during the calendar 2012 year on finished water that has been treated.
Truckee River Biomass Monitoring Program…July 2001 to Aug 2002
The Truckee River Biomass Monitoring (TRBM) program collected data regarding algal biomass in the lower Truckee River [expressed as plant pigments (chlorophyll a), carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous] that can be […]
Truckee River miles
This document lists the TMWRF River collection sites and river miles from Mogul to Nixon.
Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) – Draft
This Draft TROA represents agreement among its negotiators that it is a draft and it constitutes the preferred alternative for operating Truckee River Reservoirs in a manner which will carry […]
Truckee River Sedimentation Study (1993)
The U.S. Army Engineer Sacramento District (CESPK) is formulating a local flood protection project along the Truckee River at Reno, Nevada. The District is completing a Sediment Engineering Investigation (SEI) […]