2015 County Pumpage

The statewide inventory datasets include pumpage and commitments of all public waters appropriated by permits and certificates issued by the State Engineer, by adjudicated and unadjudicated pre-statutory claims of vested […]

2015 Basin Totals

The statewide inventory datasets include pumpage and commitments of all public waters appropriated by permits and certificates issued by the State Engineer, by adjudicated and unadjudicated pre-statutory claims of vested […]

2015 Basin Pumpage

The statewide inventory datasets include pumpage and commitments of all public waters appropriated by permits and certificates issued by the State Engineer, by adjudicated and unadjudicated pre-statutory claims of vested […]

2015 Basin Commitments

The statewide inventory datasets include pumpage and commitments of all public waters appropriated by permits and certificates issued by the State Engineer, by adjudicated and unadjudicated pre-statutory claims of vested […]

Water Rights Points of Diversion

NWDR data pertaining to water rights and permits. This dataset contains the points of diversion (POD) for water rights based on the coordinate location (XY) provided in the NDWR’s Permit […]

Water Rights Place of Use

NWDR data pertaining to water rights and permits This dataset contains the points of diversion (POD) for water rights based on the coordinate location (XY) provided in the NDWR’s Permit […]