Service Territory Maps
Maps depicting the extent of TMWA’s Service Territory. The website allows users to search by address or APN to determine if they are within the TMWA Service Territory.
Smart About Water Interactive Website
Smart About Water is an interactive website that helps customers understand approaches to water-resource management in the Truckee Meadows. Dashboard categories include daily SNOTEL basin index, current Truckee River flow, […]
Basin Boundaries – Basin Info
These have been identified as 232 Hydrographic Basins (1-232; hydrographic sub-basins designated A, B, C, etc.) within 14 major Hydrographic Regions. There are a total of 256 hydrographic basins and […]
Basin Boundaries – Basin Designation Orders
These have been identified as 232 Hydrographic Basins (1-232; hydrographic sub-basins designated A, B, C, etc.) within 14 major Hydrographic Regions. There are a total of 256 hydrographic basins and […]
Basin Specialist Assignments
These have been identified as 232 Hydrographic Basins (1-232; hydrographic sub-basins designated A, B, C, etc.) within 14 major Hydrographic Regions. There are a total of 256 hydrographic basins and […]
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in Nevada
The Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) in Nevada story map includes descriptions and photos of GDEs, an exploration of species that use GDEs, interactive maps of indicators of GDEs, a summary […]
2015 Basin Pumpage
The statewide inventory datasets include pumpage and commitments of all public waters appropriated by permits and certificates issued by the State Engineer, by adjudicated and unadjudicated pre-statutory claims of vested […]
2015 Basin Commitments
The statewide inventory datasets include pumpage and commitments of all public waters appropriated by permits and certificates issued by the State Engineer, by adjudicated and unadjudicated pre-statutory claims of vested […]
Water Rights Points of Diversion
NWDR data pertaining to water rights and permits. This dataset contains the points of diversion (POD) for water rights based on the coordinate location (XY) provided in the NDWRs Permit […]
Water Rights Place of Use
NWDR data pertaining to water rights and permits This dataset contains the points of diversion (POD) for water rights based on the coordinate location (XY) provided in the NDWRs Permit […]