Water, Weather and Closed Basins
Story map depicting the history and hydrology of Washoe County’s closed basins, covering topics such as the water cycle, the water year, and lake levels.
Modeling Software – FLASH
Modeling software developed by the Nevada Water Science Center. FLASH (Flow-Log Analysis of Single Holes) is a computer program for the analysis of borehole vertical flow logs.
Modeling Software – AnalyzeHOLE
Modeling software developed by the Nevada Water Science Center. AnalyzeHOLE, an integrated wellbore analysis tool for simulating flow and transport in wells and aquifer systems, provides a better alternative for […]
Science in the Truckee River Basin
USGS data and studies within the Truckee River Basin.
Variety of scientific publications (including journal articles) produced by the Nevada Water Science Center
Publications released by NWSC.
Hydrogeology of the Lake Tahoe Basin, California and Nevada – March 18, 2009
Maps produced by NWSC.
Water Data: surface water, groundwater, water quality, and precipitation
Library of USGS-operated data collection in Nevada for surface water, groundwater, water quality, and precipitation. USGS currently operates hundreds of data collection sites in Nevada for acquiring information on surface […]
ScienceBase provides access to aggregated information derived from many data and information domains, including feeds from existing data systems, metadata catalogs, and scientists contributing new and original content. ScienceBase architecture […]
National Water Information System
Database providing access to water-resources data collected at approximately 20,000 sites in Nevada. Online access to this data is organized by surface water, groundwater, water quality, water use.
National Water Dashboard
The National Water Dashboard shows provisional real-time water data collected at U.S. Geological Survey observation stations in context with weather-related data from other public sources.