TMWRF River monitoring grab samples

Grab samples are currently taken at various locations on the Truckee River mainstem and tributaries including North Truckee Drain and Steamboat Creek. River sample locations are: East McCarran Bridge, Lockwood, […]

Truckee River Coordinated Monitoring Programs

The goals of the Coordinated Monitoring Program are to find efficiencies in sampling efforts and share data more easily, leading to a better understanding of health and processes in the […]

NDEP – Monitoring Stations Shapefile

This point shapefile shows all sample sites from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) compilation of monitoring stations in the Truckee River Basin. This includes NDEP and Desert Research […]

NDEP – Study Area Waterbodies

This is a polygon shapefile of the waterbodies in the Truckee watershed area. It is a subset of the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) shapefile of Nevada waterbodies.

TMWRF – Monitoring Stations Shapefile

This point shapefile shows the sample sites from the ongoing Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) Truckee River monitoring effort. The shapefile is in GCS_North_American_1983 (latitude-longitude), North American Datum of […]

USGS Truckee River Gage Stations

This data layer consists of the USGS Surface Water Gage Stations that are located within the study area of the Truckee River Information Gateway (TRIG). The coordinates are taken directly […]