TTSA – Truckee River below Martis Creek
Truckee River monitoring data below Tahoe-Truckee Sanitation Agency (TTSA) and Martis Creek.
Virginia Lake Water Quality Data for improvement projects
Datasets shown were gathered by the City’s Hydrologist, Ecological Research Associates, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, and MaxDepth Aquatics. Analyses were provided by the TMWRF lab, Sierra Environmental Monitoring, and […]
Washoe County DWR Creek MD
Water quality sample data taken from 2005 to 2008 at sites on Thomas, White’s and Galena Creeks.
Website How-To’s and other helpful documents
The following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) provides recipes for doing frequent tasks on this website, like how to post content, or upload an image.
Presentations and Posters
To communicate the goals we set forth to accomplish, we have presented this material in various forums, including the Nevada Water Environmental Association (NWEA) and the American Society of Limnologists […]
Letter to new data liasons
Hello! If you are reading this note, you are a new TRIG content liaison. You may now begin to submit documents and reports, relevant news, monitoring data, GIS data, digital […]
Truckee River Third-Party Nutrient WQS and TMDL Review: Focus Group Meeting 1
Background on Water Quality Models for the Truckee River WQS Review Process
Truckee River Third-Party Nutrient WQS and TMDL Review: Focus Group Meeting 2
Water Quality Model Updates to Support Truckee River Nutrient WQS and TMDL Reviews
Truckee River Third-Party Nutrient WQS and TMDL Review: Focus Group Meeting 3
Recap on Water Quality Models to Support WQS Review; Overview of general approach for WQS modeling.
Truckee River Third-Party Nutrient WQS and TMDL Review: Focus Group Meeting 4
WQ models; WQ modeling process; Results of WQS model runs; Technical Rationale for WQS revision.