Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act WebMap – Federal Constraints
Webmap depicting the Economic Development Element and Conservation Elements of the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act.
Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act WebMap – Sierra Club Trail Head
Webmap depicting the Economic Development Element and Conservation Elements of the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act.
Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act WebMap – TRMA Paths (hard surface)
Webmap depicting the Economic Development Element and Conservation Elements of the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act.
Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act WebMap – TMRPA Trailhead
Webmap depicting the Economic Development Element and Conservation Elements of the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act.
Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act WebMap – TMRPA Paths (soft surface)
Webmap depicting the Economic Development Element and Conservation Elements of the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act.
NEPA Project Area Boundaries – Timber Sale
Actv_ProjectArea_NEPA represents an area (polygon) within which one or more activities related to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are aggregated or organized. The data comes from the Forest Service’s […]
NEPA Project Area Boundaries – Sale Area Improvement (SAI) Plan
Actv_ProjectArea_NEPA represents an area (polygon) within which one or more activities related to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are aggregated or organized. The data comes from the Forest Service’s […]
NEPA Project Area Boundaries – NEPA
Actv_ProjectArea_NEPA represents an area (polygon) within which one or more activities related to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are aggregated or organized. The data comes from the Forest Service’s […]
National Wilderness Areas
A boundary depicting an area that has been designated as a National Wilderness in the National Wilderness Preservation System.