Occupied Bighorn Sheep Distribution

Maps depicting the occupied seasonal habitat distributions and movement corridors of Nevada big game species. These delineations were determined by Nevada Department of Wildlife field biologists, supervisors, and wildlife staff […]

Occupied Ruffed Grouse Distribution

Occupied habitat distributions of Nevada small game species. These delineations were determined by Nevada Department of Wildlife field biologists and wildlife staff specialists. Species include California quail, chukar, dusky grouse, […]

Mule Deer Movement Corridors

Maps depicting the occupied seasonal habitat distributions and movement corridors of Nevada big game species. These delineations were determined by Nevada Department of Wildlife field biologists, supervisors, and wildlife staff […]

Occupied Mountain Quail Distribution

Occupied habitat distributions of Nevada small game species. These delineations were determined by Nevada Department of Wildlife field biologists and wildlife staff specialists. Species include California quail, chukar, dusky grouse, […]

Occupied Himalayan Snowcock Distribution

Occupied habitat distributions of Nevada small game species. These delineations were determined by Nevada Department of Wildlife field biologists and wildlife staff specialists. Species include California quail, chukar, dusky grouse, […]

Occupied Gambel’s Quail Distribution

Occupied habitat distributions of Nevada small game species. These delineations were determined by Nevada Department of Wildlife field biologists and wildlife staff specialists. Species include California quail, chukar, dusky grouse, […]

Occupied Dusky Grouse Distribution

Occupied habitat distributions of Nevada small game species. These delineations were determined by Nevada Department of Wildlife field biologists and wildlife staff specialists. Species include California quail, chukar, dusky grouse, […]

Occupied Chukar Distribution

Occupied habitat distributions of Nevada small game species. These delineations were determined by Nevada Department of Wildlife field biologists and wildlife staff specialists. Species include California quail, chukar, dusky grouse, […]

Occupied California Quail Distribution

Occupied habitat distributions of Nevada small game species. These delineations were determined by Nevada Department of Wildlife field biologists and wildlife staff specialists. Species include California quail, chukar, dusky grouse, […]

Fishable Rivers & Streams

Fishable lakes, streams, rivers, reservoirs, and other water bodies designated by the Nevada Department of Wildlife. This data was updated on 02/24/2021 with data from 11/30/2020 from the fishable waters […]