Regional Planning

About the Commission

The Regional Planning Commission (RPC) develops the Regional Plan and recommends it to the Regional Planning Governing Board for adoption. The RPC conducts the procedural reviews that must be completed, including reviews of local government affected entity master plans, and Projects of Regional Significance. The RPC has nine members, appointed by their respective governing bodies, including three each from the Reno, Sparks, and Washoe County local planning commissions as prescribed by NRS 278.0262.

Regional Planning Commission Members

Harris Armstrong, Chair | City of Reno

Dan Lazzareschi, Vice-Chair | Washoe County

Michael Flick | Washoe County

Marilyn Kramer | City of Sparks

Karl Nieberlein | City of Sparks

Rob Pierce | Washoe County

Shelley Read | City of Sparks

Kerry Rohrmeier | City of Reno

Alex Velto | City of Reno

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