Natural Resources Plan

Draft Narratives For Review

Getting Started

Within this page you will find the six Natural Resources Plan Categories and their descriptions. We have further broken down the Categories into smaller Topic Areas which most of you are familiar with. Please note, some of these Topics have changed slightly in nomenclature and content. TMRPA has talked with various stakeholders, researched, and collected data within each of these areas, and compiled all information into draft narratives which will ultimately be within the Natural Resources Plan.

Please review each of the Topic Areas within your Category, and add to or edit the information for accuracy and completeness. Please feel free to review additional Topic Areas within other Categories after you have completed your main Category area. When editing please keep in mind that grammar and flow is not our priority at the moment, we are currently focused on getting the right information to build the background for each topic.

When reviewing please feel free to:
  • Check information for accuracy
  • Add additional missing information, statistics, or data
  • Provide comment
  • Add other helpful sources or relevant agencies
  • Give feedback on Category and Topic names

    To Be Determined - 2024

    How to Review


    To review the documents, you may either be logged into your G-Mail account so that your comments are associated with your name, or you may review without a G-Mail account, in which case please leave your LAST NAME and ORGANIZATION within each of your comments. 

    If you do not currently have a G-Mail account and would like to create one, click here: Create Google Account


    Next, scroll below to your Category, and begin editing each Topic Area by clicking the name of the Topic, this will take you to the Google Doc editing platform.


    Begin editing and commenting. Please reach out if you have any questions about the Narratives, the NR Plan, on how to use Google Docs, or anything else you can think of, and we would be happy to assist you!

    Before reviewing, if you need a refresher on the Natural Resources Plan, or more information on the concept of each of the Categories, please visit our Natural Resources Plan Page

    Categories and Topic Areas

    Click on the Topic Area name to access each Google Doc

    We will notify you as each Topic Area becomes available for editing,

    documents ready for review are shown in pink and linked to the pertaining editable documents.

    & Ecology


    & Resiliency

    • Climate Change
    • Air Quality
    • Energy

    For questions or assistance please contact Nate Kusha at 775-321-8397 or

    Or contact the main TMRPA line at 775-321-8385

    Thank you for your valuable input, we appreciate your time and collaboration on this effort!